戰鬥少女:血之鐵假面傳說 Mutant Girls
井口昇Noboru IGUCHI、西村喜廣Yoshihiro NISHIMURA、坂口拓Tak SAKAGUCHI
2010 西班牙Sitges奇幻影展「Midnight X-treme」最佳影片
2010 蒙特婁奇幻影展
目睹父母遭特殊部隊殺害,少女小凛在十六歲生日覺醒變異,揮舞右臂刀掌一路狂殺,加上冷豔女與萌護士,三女聯手讓帝國腥風血雨。三大異色導演首度攜手打造血腥Cult Film,以日本Kuso趣味顛覆《X戰警》變種人。女主角擁有金鋼狼剃刀,更有屁股電鋸女、乳房武士刀等荒唐英雌;除了竹中直人跨刀,坂口拓導演更下海演出陰陽人如月。
Action, comedy and splatter: times three! For the first time ever, three Japanese cult filmmakers have joined forces to bring you three times the heart-pounding action, three times the jaw-dropping comedy and three times the head-exploding splatter of your average action/horror/comedy film! It's a Mutant Action Extravaganza, filled with so much outrageousness!
7/02(六) 威秀十三 22:00
7/10(日) 威秀十三 22:40