四個傻瓜 Four Lions
克里斯莫瑞斯 Chris Morris
2010 日舞影展
2010 英國喜劇獎最佳喜劇演出
2011 英國金像獎最佳處女作
Chris Morris' Four Lions is a funny, thrilling comedy that illuminates modern jihadism through the prism of farce. It understands jihadists as human beings. And it understands human beings as innately ridiculous. What This Is Spinal Tap did for heavy metal and Dr Strangelove the Cold War, Four Lions does for the modern face of terrorism.
7/06(三) 中 山 10:00
7/10(日) 總 督 17:30 售完!
7/14(四) 威秀十三 22:20 售完!