魔宮豔舞 The Tales of Hoffmann
麥可鮑威爾 Michael Powell、 艾莫里普瑞斯伯格 Emeric Pressburger
1951 坎城影展音樂特別獎
1951 柏林影展最佳歌舞片
1952 奧斯卡最佳藝術指導、服裝設計入圍
改編自奧芬巴哈的同名歌劇,故事敘述在感情路上尋尋覓覓的苦心人哈弗曼,經過三段傷心的愛情,終於將情絲斬斷,投向繆司女神懷抱,終身奉獻給「詩」的藝術。經過《紅菱豔》與《黑水仙》的洗禮,鮑威爾和普瑞斯伯格這對黃金組合,更大膽地發想「作曲式電影」(composed film),將歌劇、芭蕾與影像徹底結合,狂放而華麗的風格宛如巨幅的潑墨畫!
Hoffmann is a lovelorn young man in Nuremberg who is watching his latest love, Stella, dance in the ballet. In the interval he goes to the tavern where he tells his friends the tales of the three major loves of his life. Each story forms a separate act of this magnificently staged opera...
7/04(一) 中山 19:20
7/09(六) 總督 16:00