三場意外與一個預言 Familiar Grounds
史提凡拉夫勒 Stéphane Lafleur
2011 柏林影展人道主義獎
2011 魁北克電影節開幕片
Maryse and her husband are desperate to sell a backhoe sitting abandoned in their suburban yard. Her brother, Benoit, is trapped in endless adolescence, sharing their childhood home with their invalid father. A strange series of coincidences, and the arrival of a Man claiming to come from the future launch Maryse and Benoit on a life-changing road trip.
6/26(日) 中山 14:40 ★(影人出席映後或映前座談)
6/29(三) 中山 14:30 ★(影人出席映後或映前座談)
7/16(六) 中山 15:00