那些年,我們一起追的女孩 You Are the Apple of My Eye
九把刀 Giddens
任誰都曾有過的年少輕狂,那個班上每個男生都暗戀著的漂亮女孩,一堆莫名其妙荒唐、惡搞、胡鬧、打屁的匆匆日子,然後,青春就悄悄地逝去了。台灣偶像劇教母柴智屏首任製片,作家九把刀自編自導同名暢銷小說搬上大銀幕,既成功地拍出一如1980年代學生電影的清新質地,卻又能巧妙鑲嵌現今年輕世代的 Kuso 氣味,絕對驚豔。
Adolescence is like a heavy rain. Even though you catch a cold from it, you still look forward to experiencing it again. Ko-Teng has several close friends who had a crush on Shen Chia-Yi. Those friends of Ko's thus moved in unison from Ching Cheng's junior high school straight into the senior high school division in pursuit of her.
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7/02(六) 威秀十三 19:00 ★(影人出席映後或映前座談) 售完!