7/03(日)12:40於中山堂放映的台北電影獎劇情長片 《消失打看》(Honey Pupu),由於拷貝調度之故,原為中英文字幕,更改為中文字幕。而本片下一場在07/05(二)21:10於信義威秀影城的場次則仍維持中英文字幕放映。造成各位觀眾的不便,敬請見諒!
July 3rd (Sun) 12:40 HONEY PUPU at Taipei Zhongshan Hall, Please note the film will be showed with only Chinese subtitles on this screening timeslot due to its changes with print-delivery problems. Tickets refund for this screening will be allowed before 20mins from its entry with our sincere apology.